1. Introduction

Welcome to Recycle Pay! This Support Policy outlines the level of support and assistance you can expect when using our mobile application (“RecyclePay”). Our aim is to provide you with a smooth and positive experience, and we are committed to addressing your inquiries and concerns promptly.

2. Support Channels

We offer support through the following channels:

2.1. In-App Support

For general inquiries and assistance, you can use the support features within the RecyclePay app. This includes features such as the help center, chat, or contact forms.

2.2. Email Support

You can also reach out to us via email at support@ceibagreen.com for questions, concerns, or feedback. We aim to respond to email inquiries within 48 working hours during regular business hours.

3. Scope of Support

Our support team is available to assist you with the following matters:

– General inquiries about how to use the App.

– Technical issues and troubleshooting.

– Assistance with transactions and account-related issues.

– Feedback, suggestions, and feature requests.

4. Support Hours

Our support team is available during the following hours:

– Monday to Friday: [9am to 6 pm]

**5. Expected Response Times**

Our support team may not be able to assist with the following matters:

– Issues caused by a device or operating system that is not supported by the App.

– Problems resulting from your use of the App in a manner inconsistent with our terms and policies.

– Inquiries or issues not directly related to the use of the App.

**6. Feedback and Feature Requests**

We welcome your feedback and suggestions for improving the App. If you have ideas or requests for new features, please feel free to share them with us. While we cannot guarantee the implementation of every suggestion, we value your input in enhancing the App’s functionality and user experience.

**7. Changes to this Support Policy**

We may update this Support Policy as needed to better serve our users. We will notify you of any significant changes to the policy through the App. Your continued use of the App signifies your acceptance of the updated policy.

**8. Contact Us**

If you have questions or need support, please reach out to us through the available support channels. For general inquiries or feedback, you can email us at support@ceibagreen.com .